
WooCommerce Subscription Integration

Set WooCommerce Settings

We can create two webhooks for now. One webhook is for creating and another one is for updating.

The first one is "subscription created". The "subscription created" is called when your customer starts a successful subscription. The second one is "subscription updated". The "subscription updated" is called when the subscription is renewed and deleted.

First, go to WooCommerce Settings --> Advanced --> Webhooks

Click to "Add webhook" button for Subscription Created Topic

Subscription Created Topic Parameters

Name: any name you like (e.g. "keyzy-subscription-create")
Status: Active
Topic: Subscription Created
Delivery URL:
Secret: Please follow "Create a New Appkey Pair for Secret" section
API Version: WP REST API Integration v1

Now, we've just created our first webhook for the "subscription created" topic. We need to create another one for "subscription updated". To do that, click to "Add webhook" button again for the "subscription updated" topic

Subscription Updated Topic Parameters

Name: any name you like (e.g. "keyzy-subscription-update")
Status: Active
Topic: Subscription Updated
Delivery URL:
Secret: Please follow "Create a New Appkey Pair for Secret" section
API Version: WP REST API Integration v1

Create a New Appkey Pair for Secret

  • Create a new appkey pair on

  • The label should be your base e-commerce base name (e.g.

  • Permission: Write

  • Is App Key Active?: True

  • Copy only API KEY info to WooCommerce's Secret field

  • You only need one API KEY for all webhooks. Create one appkey pair and use the API KEY value for all webhooks.

Bear In Mind

  • The product's SKU number (in WooCommerce, it's just SKU) and KEYZY's SKU number should be the same

  • Be aware that you need to create a subscription product on WooCommerce.


  • Make sure that the webhook is active or not, if it gets errors, WooCommerce can turn the webhook automatically off.

  • There is a lag between the order time and the webhook trigger time. You need to wait for a short time to see the subscription information on KEYZY dashboard.  

How to debug

You may need to look at the responses from KEYZY service. To do that, please look at the logs under WooCommerce --> Status --> Logs. You'll see files starting with webhooks-delivery-YYYY-MM-DD--UNIQUE-ID (e.g. webhooks-delivery-2021-12-05-cf5ea08f2e6045ad6d889249b3ef8fa3.log)